Sammatti Dance Ballet Class Music Volume 4 (mp3 download)


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Original piano music for ballet class composed by Anita Remitz and arranged and played by Dmitry Pavlov.

The music on this album has been composed by ANITA REMITZ and played and arranged for class purposes by DMITRY PAVLOV.
The class has been constructed by MARIE-PIERRE GREVE.
Each exercise starts with a 4-count preparation. The exercises on the barre and in the centre are played only once.

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1. Luistelua/Skating. Préparation. 3/4. 2:29
2. Uudenvuoden valssi/New Year’s Waltz. Plié. 3/4. 2:03
3. Promenade en hiver. Tendu 1. 2/4. 1:28 4. Syyslehtien tanssi/Dance of the Autumn Leaves. Tendu 2. 4/4. 1:00
5. Vesipisarat jouluaamuna/Raindrops on Christmas Morning. Tendu 3. 2/4. 1:04
6. Linnut saapuvat/The Birds Arrive. Jeté 1. 4/4. 1:18
7. Tarantella. Jeté 2. 6/8. 0:40
8. To Be or Not to Be? À Susanna. Rond de jambe. 3/4. 1:58
9. Adieu à Bella. Fondu 1. 3/4. 2:03
10. Tango. Fondu 2. 4/4. 1:16
11. Warum?/Why? À Emilia. Frappé. 4/4. 0:57
12. Valse d’été. À Luna. Rond de jambe en l’air. 3/4. 1:13
13. Dance of the Black Pedals. Petit battement. 4/4. 0:50 14. Juhannusyö Sammatissa/Midsummer Night in Sammatti. Adage. 3/4. 2:13
15. Marche du septembre. Grand battement. 2/4. 0:46
16. Nocturne du novembre. Jambe à la barre. 4/4. 2:54

17. Small Things Make You Happy. Tendu 1. 4/4. 1:18 18. Kevät on täällä/Spring Is Here. Tendu 2. 4/4. 1:15
19. Träumerei/Dreaming. Adage 1. 3/4. 3:48
20. Romance à Sakke. Adage 2. 3/4. 1:36
21. Schneeglöckchen/Snowflakes. Pirouettes 1. 4/4. 0:44
22. Mazurka à Marie. Pirouettes 2. 3/4. 1:56
23. Tuulen huminaa/Windy Breeze. Fondu. 3/4. 2:08
24. Sateen ropinaa/Raining. Petits sauts 1. 6/8. 0:41
25. Menninkäisten tanssi/Dance of the Gnomes. Petits sauts 2. 4/4. 0:59
26. Danse des papillons/Dance of the Butterflies. Petits sauts 3. 3/4. 1:02
27. Allegro à Notte. Moyens sauts 1. 2/4. 1:04
28. Joy of Dance. Moyens sauts 2. 4/4. 1:23
29. Grand Waltz. Grands sauts 1. 3/4. 1:33
30. Grand allegro. Grands sauts 2. 3/4. 2:03
31. Kettu/Fox. Tour piqué. 2/4. 1:14
32. Sommaren är här/Summer Is Here. Révérence. 3/4. 2:11

Physician turned into amateur composer and dancer,
Anita Remitz created the Sammatti Dance Camp near
her summer cottage. This is her second recording. She
has had invaluable help and inspiration from her teacher
MERI LOUHOS and from composer HARRI WESSMAN.
Drawing on his long experience as a ballet pianist, DMITRY PAVLOV helped her a great deal in arranging the music for ballet class purposes. MARIE-PIERRE GREVE is her demanding yet always supportive and positive ballet teacher as well as her friend.

Dmitry Pavlov has been working as a ballet pianist at the Finnish National Opera since 2003. He worked with Vladimir Mishuk at the Rimsky-Korsakov St. Petersburg State Conservatory, graduating in 1999. In 2006 he graduated from the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, having worked there together with Erik T. Tawaststjerna. He received a special award at the International Edvard Grieg Piano Competition in Oslo in 2003 and a Pro Dance scholarship in 2014 for his ability to inspire dancers with his music. He has participated in several master courses and performed as a soloist in many countries.

Marie-Pierre Greve was a principal at the Royal Danish Ballet, dancing in major roles as well as roles made especially for her by several choreographers. Before moving to Denmark, she studied at the Conservatoire de danse in Avignon and worked as a soloist at the
Deutsche Oper in Berlin. Lately she has been working as a ballet master and ballet teacher in several schools and countries.

Sammatti is a village located amidst a beautiful landscape of hills and lakes about 75 km west of Helsinki. Created by Anita Remitz together with Helsinki Dance Institute in 2000, the idea of the Sammatti Dance Camp is to teach mainly classical ballet to enthusiastic amateurs and to young dancers in professional training. The camp ends with a final performance and since 2006 entire ballets have been performed there with soloists from the Finnish National Ballet.
Teachers of the camp in recent years include ballet pedagogue Jane Spackman from Helsinki Dance Institute, Nicholas Ziegler, étoile at the Finnish National Ballet, Jarkko Niininen, former étoile at the Finnish National Ballet, Dinna Bjørn, former Artistic Director of the Finnish National Ballet, as well as ballet professor Eric Viudes. An annual event, the Sammatti Dance Camp takes place in late July or early August.
released March 4, 2018

Susanna Reitamo designed the booklet
Susanna Jaskanen corrected the text
The recording was made at the Finnish National Opera.
The cover photo was taken by Sakari Reitamo in Sammatti. The photo shows
Tiina Myllymäki and Nicholas Ziegler.
The back photo was taken by Sakari Reitamo at Lake Kirmustenjärvi in Sammatti

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