
Famous Pop & Jazz Hits for Ballet Class (collection of mp3 singles – SAVE 50%)

Original price was: US$16.12.Current price is: US$8.06.

Here’s a collection of all the single songs available as mp3 downloads on this site.
Discounted with 50% from buying the individual downloads.

The collection includes ballet class versions of famous pop and jazz hits like “Shallow” by Lady Gaga, “Dance Monkey” by Tones and I and several Disney classics like “Colors of the Wind” and “I Wanna be like You”.

The collection is updated every time new pieces are added to the shop.

It’s also possible to purchase the sheet music for all songs. Please CLICK HERE to see a complete sheet music list.

You can hear the songs in the playlist further down the page.

Shallow (Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper from "A Star Is Born") for adagio, plié, rond de jambe, fondu (mp3-single)

A 4 x 32 counts piano version of "Shallow" from the movie "A Star Is Born". This version can be used for adagio, rond de jambe, plié, fondu or similar slow ballet class exercise.


Listen below or click HERE to listen on Spotify or Apple Music.

Original price was: US$1.24.Current price is: US$0.62.

Pavane, Op.50 (Gabriel Fauré) - Piano version for ballet class - Adagio (single mp3 download)

Here's a beautiful and slow piano arrangement of Gabriel Fauré's "Pavane, Op.50" for ballet classes.

The song is also available as part of THIS COLLECTION (click to preview)

The song is in 4/4 and you can use it for adagio, port de bras or other slow ballet class exercises.


Listen to the song below.

Original price was: US$1.24.Current price is: US$0.62.

Moon River - Piano version for ballet class - Adagio (single mp3 download)

Here's a beautiful and slow piano arrangement of Henry Mancini's "Moon River" for ballet classes.

Sheet music available HERE!

The song is also available as part of  THIS COLLECTION (click to preview) of famous pop & jazz hits for ballet class!

The song is in 3/4 and you can use it for adagio, port de bras or other slow ballet class exercises.
The form of the song is intro - 10 x 8 counts.

Listen to the song below.

Original price was: US$1.24.Current price is: US$0.62.

Edelweiss (The Sound of Music) - Piano version for ballet class - Adagio (single mp3 download)

Here's a beautiful and slow piano arrangement of Richard Rodgers's "Edelweiss" from "The Sound of Music".

The song is also available as part of  THIS COLLECTION (click to preview) of famous pop & jazz hits for ballet class!

Use it for adagio, port de bras or other slow ballet class exercises.


Listen to the song below.

Original price was: US$1.24.Current price is: US$0.62.

Dance Monkey (Tones and I) - Piano version for Dance and Ballet Classes (single mp3 download)

Here's a fun and energetic piano version of Tones and I's mega hit "Dance Monkey" to use for jumps, allegro, coda, piques, fouettés or similar ballet class exercises.

The song is also available as part of our "Famous Pop & Jazz Hits for Ballet Class" mp3 collection!
(Click HERE to preview)

Listen below.

Original price was: US$1.24.Current price is: US$0.62.

Lovely (Billie Eilish) - Piano version for Ballet Class (adagio, port de bras, plié) (single mp3 download)

Here's a beautiful piano version of Billie Eilish's mega hit "Lovely" to use for adagio or similar ballet class exercise.

The song is also available as part of our "Famous Pop & Jazz Hits for Ballet Class" mp3 collection!
(Click HERE to preview)

Form is 2 x 64 counts with an 8 count intro.

Sheet music available HERE.

Listen below.

Original price was: US$1.24.Current price is: US$0.62.

"When I See an Elephant Fly" from Disney's Dumbo - for Ballet & Tap (single mp3 download)

Here's a supert fun and jazzy piano version of "When I See an Elephant Fly" from Disney's "Dumbo" movie. You can use it for ballet classes or tap dance.

The song is also available as part of our "Famous Pop & Jazz Hits for Ballet Class" mp3 collection!
(Click HERE to preview)

Sheet music available HERE.

Listen below.

Original price was: US$1.24.Current price is: US$0.62.

"Baby Mine" from Disney's Dumbo - for Ballet Class Adagio (mp3 download)

Here's a slow beautiful piano version of "Baby Mine" from Disney's Dumbo movie to use for adagio or similar ballet class exercise.

The song is also available as part of our "Famous Pop & Jazz Hits for Ballet Class" mp3 collection!
(Click HERE to preview)

Sheet music available HERE.

Listen below.

Original price was: US$1.24.Current price is: US$0.62.

"Grown-Up Christmas List" - Adagio (single mp3 download)

An arrangement for ballet class of David Foster's beautiful song "Grown-Up Christmas List", also known as "My Grown-Up Christmas List".
Can be used for adagio or similar exercise.
The form is verse - chorus - verse - chorus, each 12 bars long starting with a 2 bar intro.

The song is also available as part of our "Famous Pop & Jazz Hits for Ballet Class" mp3 collection!
(Click HERE to preview)

Sheet music is available by clicking HERE.

Original price was: US$1.24.Current price is: US$0.62.

I Wan'na Be Like You (from Walt Disney's "The Jungle Book") Piano version for small jumps (single mp3)

I Wanna Be Like You (from Walt Disney's "The Jungle Book") Piano version for small jumps or petit allegro.

Also works great for tap dance classes!

The song is also available as part of our “Famous Pop & Jazz Hits for Ballet Class” mp3 collection!
(Click HERE to preview)

Available as mp3 download immediately after purchase.

Sheet music available HERE.
Apple Music: Click HERE
Spotify: Click HERE

Listen to the song below.

Original price was: US$1.24.Current price is: US$0.62.

Fondu - Arabian Nights (from Disney's "Aladdin") (mp3 single download)

Here's "Arabian Nights" from Disney's "Aladdin" in a fun and inspiring tango piano version for ballet class.
I cut one bar before the chorus to make it square and I also gave it a little tango feel so it should work great for a fondu ballet exercise. It's 64 counts long.

The song is also available as part of  THIS COLLECTION (click to preview) of famous pop & jazz hits for ballet class! (SAVE 50%!)

You can listen to my version below.

Original price was: US$1.24.Current price is: US$0.62.

Slow Tendu - Mad World (Tears For Fears/Gary Jules) (mp3 single track)

Here's my piano version of "Mad World" for a slow tendu exercise.
Originally composed and released by Tears For Fears but probably more known in the later version by Gary Jules from the soundtrack to the film Donnie Darko.

You can listen to my version below.

The song is also available as part of  THIS COLLECTION (click to preview) of famous pop & jazz hits for ballet class!

Absolutely delightful for slow tendus! Or for simply enjoying Soren’s music. ???? (Susan)

Original price was: US$1.24.Current price is: US$0.62.

Colors of the Wind (from Disney's "Pocahontas") - Piano version for ballet class - Adagio (mp3 single track)

"Colors of the Wind" from Disney's Pocahontas.
It's not square in it's form, meaning it doesn't keep and 8 bar phrase, but I hope you can still use it, maybe for a lyrical adagio, a choreography or for a warm up exercise.

The song is also available as part of  THIS COLLECTION (click to preview) of famous pop & jazz hits for ballet class!

You can listen to my version below.

Original price was: US$1.24.Current price is: US$0.62.
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You can hear som of the songs in our YouTube playlist below:

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