Piano Music for Tap Dancing

As a jazz pianist I can’t help adding jazzy notes and harmonies to my ballet class music. It’s also in my genes to pay great attention to rhythm and tempo. When I play for class I will also always do some standard jazz tunes like “summertime” or “Honeysuckle Rose”. I recently started recording some of these jazz standards which has been a lot of fun. I have released some of the songs on these two albums: https://www.musicforballetclass.com/album/jazz-songs-for-ballet-class-tap-dance/ https://www.musicforballetclass.com/album/jazz-pop-songs-ballet-class/ The other day I received a wonderful email from a dance teacher in Australia. Her name is Angela Ireson and besides of being a studio owner of “The Angela Ireson Dance Theatre” for many years, she also teaches at a bunch of dance schools including the “Encore Dance and Music Theatre School“. Angela teaches ballet and also tap dance and she was so kind to bring to my attention that my music is very well suited for the tap lessons as well as the ballet classes. I immediately went through all my released music and created two playlists of piano music for tap dancing for YouTube and Spotify. If you like them please subscribe to them and share them with your friends, as it will be extremely helpful to me and help other people find them too. Click the links above or stream straight from this page below. On a side note… I actually did play for tap dance classes at “The Danish National School of Performing Arts” about 10 years ago. It was a lot of fun and these days as I sit every monday night watching the new season of Game of Thrones it kind of ruins the story for me a bit that I inside my head have pictures of Euron Greyjoy aka Pilou Asbæk and wildling leader Karsi aka Birgitte Hjort Sørensen tapping away to my stride piano playing :o) Happy “tapping” Søren
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