"MORE Music for Tap Dance" by Søren Bebe

more music for tap dance mp3 download by søren bebe

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“More Music for Tap Dance” consists of 36 original and jazzy songs by pianist and composer Søren Bebe to inspire and energize your next tap dance class.

Please note: This is a COMPILATION album with songs taken from the four albums below:

– Music for Ballet Class, vol.4 by Søren Bebe
– Music for Ballet Class, vol.5 by Søren Bebe
– Music for Ballet Class, vol.6 by Søren Bebe
– Music for Ballet Pointe Class (All Levels) by Søren Bebe

The tracks on the album have kept their original (ballet class) names with an added parenthesis containing (in short) the name of the album which the song is derived from. (vol.4, vol.5, vol.6 or pointe album)

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